Wow, time flies by doesn't it? There is so much craziness going on but I continue to heal more day by day. I got a full-blown sinus infection a week and a half ago, and am now pretty much over it. The best part - I used NO pharmaceuticals whatsoever. Not that I wasn't tempted to try to get some relief, but I knew that everything I have been through to heal hinged on me not going on antibiotics to destroy all the progress I have made so far. I've dealt with a couple of sinus infections just trying to start, but this is the first one that got all the way to full blown. Apparently it decided to sneak up on me.
I've been through two colds, a zit outbreak, and now a full blown sinus infection with my new way of doing things. As much as being sick sucks, I am starting to look at these illnesses as a learning opportunity. I research, and I find ways of dealing with it to help my body naturally.
For instance, I now know that homeopathic hepar sulphur calcareum ROCKS at dealing with zits. It also works well for sinus infections. For the sinus infection I bumped up my Sovereign Silver orally to three times a day, plus doubled the dose of aged garlic (morning and night instead of just at night) I normally take. It's been interesting watching the snot colors change (gross I know) from the yellowish-green that is classic of the infection and watching it go back to clear within a matter of a couple of days, so I know the combination is fighting the infection. Everything has been pretty much clear now for about a week, but occasionally I get little bits with a bit of infection still in it.
I started out with using Sovereign Silver and SinuOrega as nasal sprays and alternating them, but I quickly realized the SinuOrega was making my symptoms worse in this case. It usually burns pretty badly, but my headache would get worse each time I used it. So I tried a new xylitol/grapefruit seed extract nasal spray called Xlear and alternated that with the Sovereign Silver and it seemed to work much better. It's a more soothing product than the SinuOrega.
I also discovered that homeopathic belladonna seemed to be the remedy of choice for my really bad sinus headache this time instead of phosphorus. Once I made the switch over to the new nasal spray and belladonna I finally got some relief from the pain. Of course my old standbys allium cepa and kali bichromicum were a big help as always in the snottiness/congestion department. I also got a little Olbas inhaler thingie that I LOVE. It really helped keep my sinuses opened up. It's all pepperminty/eucalyptusy scented.
So a week and a half later I'm still using my garlic/oral Sovereign Silver and alternating doses of Sovereign Silver and Xlear nasal sprays. I'm still having to use belladonna in the mornings and right before bed, because my sinuses just feel a bit sore and kind of dull achy, and it really helps. I know this means there is still inflammation in there, and I'll have to keep treating for another week or two. It's not gone yet, but I know I've got it on the run.
Interestingly I found that massage, acupressure and reflexology also helps. I went to a massage therapist and she did some reflexology stuff to stimulate my lymphatic system and some sinus massage to help drain everything. Then she showed me some pressure points to use daily to help continue to keep the sinuses draining. The next morning I got up and felt SO much better.
Probably the hardest part of this whole process is getting my head knowledge down to my heart. Knowing I can trust my body to heal, that it wants to heal, and that all I need to do is support it is great. But it's so contrary to the notions I've grown up with that the body does stupid things and we don't understand why so you have to take drugs to suppress the stupid body. Getting that knowledge from my head to my heart is hard. I still am fearful, thinking things like "what if this doesn't work" or "what if my body can't handle this one" or "what if I can't figure out what my body needs to help it." But I am learning and growing stronger by the day. I know that knowledge is slowly making its way from my head to my heart.
Even my mom got really ticked at me that I wouldn't go see the nurse down at the Walgreen's and get some antibiotics on day two of the sinus infection. A lot of times I feel like I'm alone in this, especially when people are telling me I'm being silly for not taking the drugs.
My depression is continuing to get better. I haven't had many more signs of the twitchies recently, so I'm just watching for now. While I've been sick I don't want to mess with anything. But I still feel like I am going to be able to get off of the drug, even my doctor thinks so at this point.
Over the past couple of months I have actually been able to slowly adjust my body to some oral magnesium. The lotion is great, but I didn't feel like I was getting quite enough from it.
So I got some of the Natural Calm magnesium powder and started taking it in teeny doses. The normal dose is two rounded teaspoons, but I had to start out with 1/4 tsp. a day. Not much, but I took that for a while, and let my intestines adjust to the dose, then upped it to 1/2 tsp. a day, let my body adjust and so forth. Now I am up to a full 2 tsp. a day, only I take it in 1 tsp. doses twice a day. So far my intestines seem to be handling it with no problems. Eventually I'll be able to do rounded teaspoons. I can tell a difference in my anxiety and stress level when I take it.