I'm just your average girl trying to keep the candida monster at bay through diet and natural medicine. It's going to be a life long process of taking back my health, but it is so worth it. Hopefully my story can help other people who are going through the same thing.
On Saturday, April 16 I met someone who would help me change my life. Robert Scott Bell was speaking at the Nullify Now event in Austin, Texas. I listened to him speaking about his horrible battle with allergies, and we had been on the same drugs, had the same surgeries, the same allergy shots - pretty much everything - since childhood. The only difference, he was healthy and I was still struggling with constant sinus and allergy drama. I was on Astelin, Claritin, and Mucinex every day, but still having trouble.
Of course after he spoke I had to ask him what he had done to get well. We talked for a couple of minutes and he told me that what I needed to do was simple. I needed to use a silver/aloe protocol, which involved taking a dose of 1 oz. of organic aloe juice and 1 oz. of Sovereign Silver mixed together three times per day for two weeks. This would clean out my gut and rebuild my immune system.
This made sense to me, because I hate antibiotics, as they made me as sick or sicker than the sinus infections that I was trying to treat. I had just successfully dealt with a sinus infection using the Sovereign Silver nasal spray and oil of oregano. What the heck, it was worth a try.
Now for what I didn't tell Robert. I didn't tell him that I had been struggling with intestinal drama (and when I say drama I mean DRAMA) for years. I was weighing in at 215 pounds, having lost about 15 pounds before I met him on a 900 calorie a day diet called Medifast. But alas I had gotten stuck at that weight even staying on the 900 calories a day. I have an enlarged thyroid and take a small dose of thyroid medicine to keep it from growing further. I have also had severe depression since I was a teenager. Plus, I was just chronically exhausted all the time. I didn't tell Robert any of this, but amazingly the silver/aloe protocol has helped ALL of it - and quickly!
Keep in mind that Robert never charged me a cent for any of his advice, or all the follow up questions that I asked him (and all the questions I'm still asking him). The only thing he asked me to do is keep a journal so that he can use the information from my recovery to help other people.
I thought I should put it online so that others can see it too.