Sunday, July 24, 2011

Getting Stronger

We've dropped my prozac dosage down due to the twitchies and I'm doing well at the new dosage.  My doctor wants to follow up with me next week to make sure all is well.  The twitchies have stopped, so that was definitely the culprit.

I'm also seeing more and more signs that my digestive system is getting stronger.  I can eat small amounts of goat cheese now on rare occasions and I can tolerate two meals with raw vegetables a day.  Before now I would have to have one of those meals with cooked vegetables to help me digest the food.  These are small steps, but it's encouraging to see more and more progress as I go along.

I still can't believe I've come this far in just three months, but I have a feeling there is a lot more to come.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twitchies Twitchies Everywhere

Apparently I'm going to need to lower my antidepressant.  I've been noticing more and more twitchies especially in other places besides my eyelids.  These are the classic "too much prozac" twitchies where the muscle just goes into fast rapid spasms.  A couple of days ago I had one in my side by my lower ribs that was driving me nuts.  Today the muscle at the base of my thumb is going ape.

At this point I think we're going to have to go halfsies - back to the dose I was on in my twenties when I was first diagnosed.  Wow.  That is crazy.  Cutting my prozac in half.  I am calling the doc first thing tomorrow.  Freaking awesome!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Three Years of Healing

I read an interesting thing on a homeopathic web site, but I can’t remember where.  It said that for every year you have been sick, that it will require a month to get well using homeopathic and natural detoxification methods.  Wow!  Considering that I’ve been sick most of my 36 years, that is about 3 years to approach a full healing of my body.  I knew in my mind that this would be a long term process, but to put an objective number on it is a bit sobering.

Three years to get better.  I’ve been mulling it over in my head for a while now.  On the one hand it’s amazing that the human body can recover from a year’s worth of abuse and FDA-approved poison in just a month, but it really made me think about how far I have to go.  Obviously my health is going to continue to improve, but it suddenly seems like a long way off.  I guess the key is to focus on the progress I’ve already made in the past three months and let the next three years take care of themselves.

I am getting better by leaps and bounds, but there are occasional setbacks, like Thursday.  Even the setbacks though seem to press the fact that I am getting better.  I was sick as a dog yesterday, and woke up early in the morning well before my alarm went off and I was choking on snot running down the back of my throat.  Up til yesterday my sinuses really hadn’t been bugging me much, so much so that I had cut back on my homeopathic remedies for my sinuses and allergies to only twice a day.  But yesterday they cut loose.  

The sinuses didn’t feel so bad, but I was coughing and gagging from the stuff draining out, and as the stuff ran down into my stomach it got all upset and nauseated.  It was about all I could do to gag down my morning smoothie (which is really good!) and make it to my early workout before work.  We did a light workout since I felt so crummy.  By mid morning the snot had made it into my intestines and even more fun began.  Then by lunch time I had a sinus headache that was really hurting and making me dizzy.  This is always how my sinus infections start.

I started taking my phosphorus for the headache and upped my dose of kali bichromicum and allium cepa to try to help, and took some of the King Bio Headache Relief, but it didn’t really phase the headache too much.  Fortunately when I got home and started flushing my sinuses with as much Sovereign Silver as I could squirt up my nose the headache finally let up.  I went to bed early to let my body rest and recover, and slept with my head elevated.

When I woke up Friday morning I was fine and dandy.  The sinuses are a bit sore if I press on the pressure points, but otherwise I’m good.  They still seem to be draining some more stuff off.  Before, I would have been heading to the nurse practitioner at the Walgreen's for some antibiotics that would take days to work (if at all), and now I knock it out in a day with homeopathic medicines, snorting silver, and a little rest.  I guess that’s just another sign of how far I’ve come.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

24 Pounds Gone and Assorted Random Musings

I’ve officially lost 24 pounds as of Monday.  Wow!  That’s one pound short of a whole weight plate at the gym.  It’s pretty crazy.  People at work are really starting to notice and joke about how if I lose any more weight they won’t be able to see me going by, they’ll just feel a whoosh of air as I run by.  

Obviously at 191 pounds I’m not quite to that stage, but still it’s nice to hear.  One of my friends said the place she could see it most was my face.  All the puffiness that used to be there is gone.

My period this month has been a whole lot of nothing, thank goodness.  I think I had two mini cramplets but that’s about it.  It’s definitely not been the drama that it was last month.  I guess my body just got a little zealous about the whole detoxing thing.

I’m down 10 mg of my antidepressant, actually I am having to split the capsules because I’m in between the doses that are made by the manufacturer.  It’s been a couple of weeks now and I still really haven’t noticed a difference.  I have been taking some homeopathic sepia which seems to be working well for me.  I’ve been trying to find some aurum metallicum, but there is none to be had around here, even in the vitamin and health food stores.  I did get a complex remedy from King Bio that has some in it, so hopefully that should prove helpful.  Everything I’ve heard about aurum metallicum is that it’s great for depression.  I keep my depression managed pretty well, but I’m all about the “hey let’s throw everything and the kitchen sink at it” school of thought.

Interestingly I did some reading about aurum metallicum that really led me to a lot of questions.  I have a materia medica app with Boericke and Kent on my phone (it’s a freebie if you have an Android device).  The stuff seems a bit rambly to me but I’m starting to figure some of it out.  One of the things they kept rambling on and on about in the stuff about aurum metallicum remedy was about syphilis and mercury.  Of course, this is cracking me up for some reason, I guess because I have never had syphilis and thus have never had to medicate myself with mercury.

But then I stopped to think about the possible connection between mercury and the brain.  From what I gathered (and I’m still a total newbie at reading this so I could be way off base), the mercury treatment was making people depressed, and then the docs were going back and using the aurum metallicum to help with it.  Then a ding ding ding went off in my head.  

I was a very well vaccinated child.  The only vaccine I didn’t get a second time was the DPT, because I had a reaction to it when I was little.  There was some sort of temporary leg paralysis thing, I’m a little fuzzy on the details that my parents told me about and I was too young to remember.  I think it was something to the shot went in the rump and a few hours later I could no longer stand or move the leg attached to said rump cheek.  It cleared up in a day or two I believe.  Anyway Mom and Dad opted to not let me have any boosters of that one, and they told me when I was older to avoid it.  

So I had lots of vaccines as a kid.  Vaccines have mercury in them.  Possible connection with the depression?  I don’t know, but it does make for very interesting questions doesn’t it?

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sweet 16!

Over the long weekend I got into my first pair of size 16 jeans and a couple of pairs of size 16 pants.  I can’t believe I am actually taking the first steps out of the plus size clothing department.  I actually even tried some tops on, but since my biceps are pretty big from weight lifting I had some issues there.  Then there were some that were very short sleeved, but the arm holes were cut WAY too low.  Do fashion designers not realize that if women don’t want necklines cut down to our navels, we probably don’t want the arm holes cut down to the navel either?

Anyhow, I’m feeling much better now that the little intestinal upset has passed.  It was nice to take some time off over the holiday.  I’m heading up to my period in the next couple of days.  The period from hell I had last month started with major PMS and brain fog several days beforehand and I haven’t seen any signs aside from a little gassiness.  Hopefully that bodes well for me this month.  I started taking my PMS Relief proactively yesterday just to be safe.

My melasmas are really starting to get noticeably lighter.  

My poor boxer has a nasty yeast infection in one of his ears.  I'm out of his normal ear meds (an antibiotic/steroid/anti-fungal combo), so I am putting a bit of Sovereign Silver in them.  He's so miserable wanting me to rub the base of his ears, and when I was rubbing them he maneuvered his ear to try to stick one of my fingers in it.  Gross, but my baby boy definitely knows how to give me a hint.  So I suppose we'll see how Sovereign Silver does for the canine set.  I've already been using the First Aid Gel on his eczema patches with success so hopefully the ears will do well too.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Garlicky Kale Stir Fry from Heaven!

I conducted a culinary experiment tonight and I am basking in garlicky kale bliss and I had to share.  This is one experiment that I am so going to repeat!

I had some prepared buckwheat in the fridge, along with some grape tomatoes that were just starting to get a little mushy.  So as I was washing up my fresh lacinato kale (a sweeter Italian variety), I concocted a plan.  Being a kale-aholic and a garlic-aholic, those were a given.  Here is my little experiment.

1 1/2 tbsp. ghee (clarified butter)
1 1/2 tbsp. minced garlic
8 grape tomatoes, halved
several big handfuls of coarsely chopped kale
1/2 cup prepared buckwheat (approximately)
Himalayan sea salt (to taste)

In a wok, I melted the ghee and added the minced garlic.  Then I dumped the kale, tomatoes, and buckwheat in and sauteed them on medium high heat.  When the veggies get nice and wilty and the ghee starts turning the buckwheat brownish it's done.  Dump on a plate, salt to taste and enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Go Big Orange!

Yes, I’m from Tennessee so orange is normally a good thing.  Except when your poop turns orange.  Then it’s just scary as heck.  I’ve had some intestinal issues over the past few days, I think from not properly cleaning my sprouts like I should have, but at the same time it all turned orange!  Seriously, I had no idea poop could be orange.  It freaked me out, and I stopped at the local health food store on the way to work to pick up some aloe juice, King Bio Diarrhea Relief, and some hepar sulphuris calcareum.  Admittedly the intestinal issues have been a little annoying, but not bad.

The orangeness was really freaking me out, but I was checking out an article on astaxanthin, because my endurance in my workouts has been through the roof since I started taking it about a week and a half ago.  Sure enough, listed as one of the side effects of taking astaxanthin on several different sites is orange-ish poop.  I’ve been taking two pills a day of the BioAstin, so that would definitely explain it.  Freak out averted.  All my spirulina turned it green, and now the astaxanthin is turning it orange.  Maybe now I really will bleed orange.  Go Vols!

Geez, I feel like an old lady always discussing the state of my bowels.

So is it weird to really like the taste of aloe juice?  I kind of miss it anyway from when I was doing the silver-aloe protocol.  It tastes so fresh and green.  Is green really a taste?  I don’t know but that’s the word that strikes me when I drink it.  Plus my whole abdomen would sort of sigh happily and relax whenever I drank it with the silver.  Since I got that feeling on the protocol, I figured it wouldn’t hurt now that my intestines are a bit crabby.  Sure enough, I took a couple of gulps out of the bottle and my tummy went, “AHHHHHH.”  Pepto Bismol sure doesn’t work that fast. 

I’ve been sipping on the aloe juice all day and it’s amazing how much better everything is.  The funniest part is that almost intuitively, I seemed to know that I needed the aloe juice.  This whole “the body is smart” (and apparently very chatty) concept is new to me.  I’m sure the homeopathic stuff is helping too, but it’s such a weird feeling to see these dormant instincts in my body are starting to awaken now that I’m not fighting it.  Kind of like finding out everything you ever learned about your body is wrong.  That’s probably why my brain is still spinning.  Is there a homeopathic remedy for that?