I read an interesting thing on a homeopathic web site, but I can’t remember where. It said that for every year you have been sick, that it will require a month to get well using homeopathic and natural detoxification methods. Wow! Considering that I’ve been sick most of my 36 years, that is about 3 years to approach a full healing of my body. I knew in my mind that this would be a long term process, but to put an objective number on it is a bit sobering.
Three years to get better. I’ve been mulling it over in my head for a while now. On the one hand it’s amazing that the human body can recover from a year’s worth of abuse and FDA-approved poison in just a month, but it really made me think about how far I have to go. Obviously my health is going to continue to improve, but it suddenly seems like a long way off. I guess the key is to focus on the progress I’ve already made in the past three months and let the next three years take care of themselves.
I am getting better by leaps and bounds, but there are occasional setbacks, like Thursday. Even the setbacks though seem to press the fact that I am getting better. I was sick as a dog yesterday, and woke up early in the morning well before my alarm went off and I was choking on snot running down the back of my throat. Up til yesterday my sinuses really hadn’t been bugging me much, so much so that I had cut back on my homeopathic remedies for my sinuses and allergies to only twice a day. But yesterday they cut loose.
The sinuses didn’t feel so bad, but I was coughing and gagging from the stuff draining out, and as the stuff ran down into my stomach it got all upset and nauseated. It was about all I could do to gag down my morning smoothie (which is really good!) and make it to my early workout before work. We did a light workout since I felt so crummy. By mid morning the snot had made it into my intestines and even more fun began. Then by lunch time I had a sinus headache that was really hurting and making me dizzy. This is always how my sinus infections start.
I started taking my phosphorus for the headache and upped my dose of kali bichromicum and allium cepa to try to help, and took some of the King Bio Headache Relief, but it didn’t really phase the headache too much. Fortunately when I got home and started flushing my sinuses with as much Sovereign Silver as I could squirt up my nose the headache finally let up. I went to bed early to let my body rest and recover, and slept with my head elevated.
When I woke up Friday morning I was fine and dandy. The sinuses are a bit sore if I press on the pressure points, but otherwise I’m good. They still seem to be draining some more stuff off. Before, I would have been heading to the nurse practitioner at the Walgreen's for some antibiotics that would take days to work (if at all), and now I knock it out in a day with homeopathic medicines, snorting silver, and a little rest. I guess that’s just another sign of how far I’ve come.
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