Gee, it has been forever since I've updated. Life has gotten crazy lately. I am doing pretty well, especially on the depression side. I am holding at 20 mg of Prozac now, half of what I have been on for the last 5-7 years. It's pretty awesome! I am using homeopathic sepia as a single remedy and King Bio's Good Mood Enhancer to help support me in this.
My last period was a bit rough, as I appeared to be trying to detox some more and was losing a lot of blood again. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as the period from hell, but still rough. I had a really bad headache on the worst day that I thought was a sinus headache, but even with all the usual sinus remedies I couldn't get a handle on it. I took some white willow bark tincture in water and that took the worst of the edge off of it. I was also feeling pretty weak and puny.
Realizing I was losing a lot of blood, I went to the local health food store to get some ferrum phosphoricum and Mega Foods Blood Builder supplement to help support me like the last time. I popped the ferrum phos. pellets into my mouth walking out of the store and about 15 minutes later the headache was gone and my energy level perked up within an hour. My best guess is that this wasn't a sinus headache at all, but more of an anemic headache, as I've heard of people getting really bad headaches from anemia. By the next morning I felt SO much better.
I kind of wonder if perhaps there is a bit of iron deficiency going on, so I think I'm going to stay on the Blood Builder and ferrum phos. indefinitely. It's amazing to look at the bleeding in a whole new light, knowing my body is using it to throw out toxins. Before I would have been running to the doctor for something to "fix" it. Now I know there's nothing to fix, my body is doing exactly what it should be doing.
My intestines have gotten a little squirrely again, and I can see some bloating in my tummy so I'm going back on the silver/aloe protocol for a week or two. Robert mentioned on his radio show that this might be something that would be needed periodically, so I think it's a good time to restart it after four months. I was planning on doing it again at 6 months just to refresh everything.
It's not like I'm sliding backwards, health-wise as I'm continuing to make strides. My sinus episodes are becoming less and less frequent and less and less severe. Even when they do hit they are responding very quickly to the homeopathic meds and snorting Sovereign Silver and SinuOrega. I am changing my bed clothes much more frequently, since I sleep with my dogs (an allergy no-no I know, but they're just so darn cute and pitiful), and putting my pillows in the dryer on high heat for an extended time to kill any dust mites.
The diet is going well, and I'm learning new ways to prepare good organic foods and eating lots of veggies. This usually involves garlic. You can never have too much garlic.
Oh, and I hit 25 pounds gone now. I am hovering at 190!
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