I'm on day 6 of the cold. Other than an occasional gob of phlegm hitting my vocal cords and making me sound like I'm under water for a few seconds I'm doing really well. I'm not even really sniffling today. All the noticeable symptoms of a cold are gone. I'm still a good bit tired, but that's from pushing myself through 10 hour days at work in spite of the fever and other symptoms. Unfortunately I was just in a position where I couldn't be out sick. Honestly, I feel pretty normal today minus the tireds.
One of the ladies I spoke to at the office who had the cold well before me said that she still had a cough hanging on a couple of weeks later. My cold, on the other hand, never made it down into my lungs. That's a minor miracle considering I used to have major problems with asthma, and anything that got into my head or sinuses was usually destined to head straight for the lungs.
So this cold bug has been hanging on for weeks in other people, but I knocked it out in 5 days with NO drugs. Wow!
I really can't get over how much things have changed for me. It was a tough decision for me to let the fever run its course naturally when I had no choice but to keep working regardless of how sick I was. I could have caved and gone for pharmaceutical intervention. But now I see the results. Even with my work schedule, supporting the fever instead of suppressing it was worth it.
In other news...
... I have my first tan! I have always had porcelain white skin and have never in my life been able to get a tan. But when I was on vacation I was out in the sun all day and I didn't want to block all the good vitamin D, so I only put a teensy bit of sunscreen on my face. I did get a little bit of pink around my decollete, but never really burned. I put some Sovereign Silver first aid gel on the pinkishness and never had any problem with it, although I did cover it up the next day to be safe. Now I have an awesome tan on my face, arms and decollete, and even a little on my legs (so anti-tan stubborn it's not even funny - I could blind astronauts on the International Space Station with the glare off these babies).
The astaxanthin I have been taking must have made all this possible. I have never been able to hold sun, instead I'd just turn red as a lobster and then go back to pasty white as soon as the red went down. Now I have this nice sunny glow for a change. So fun for the girl who got called Snow White in school!!!
The Camu Explosion
I started taking my Camu Camu while I had a fever. My first bottle of Camu Gold I bought while I was on vacation had a defective dropper top and wouldn't release the drops. So when I pressed a little harder to try to get some out, the entire dropper top exploded out of the bottle and sent sticky camu-ness all over me, my hair, my face, my clothes, my desk, my computer, etc. Not fun.
But I do have to give props to the folks at Amazon Herb Company. I contacted them because I was rather ticked about the Camu explosion and subsequent cleanup ordeal. Even though I didn't buy the bottle directly from them, they replaced the bottle at no charge. Now that is a company that knows how to make things right!
So I got my replacement bottle and since I knew the Camu Gold had a ton of vitamin C in it, I started taking extra. I do think it helped to have the extra along with my regular daily dose of Vitamin C. I do feel like I'm getting a little pick up when I take it, but it's hard to really tell since I've been so sick. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll start getting a better picture of whether or not it's helping my depression. The few depression symptoms I have left seem to be getting better and better by the week just from the nutritional and homeopathic intervention, so I'm excited to see how this may play in to that.
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