The period came and went uneventfully, so I appear to be on the right track with the whole food iron supplementation and ferrum phos. All I needed was a little arnica for some minor cramplets one day and I was good.
Due to the changing seasons here in East Tennessee, my sinuses have been a bit more trouble than usual. Our weather changes from moment to moment between hot and cold, rainy and dry when the seasons are changing so it's not terribly surprising that my body is having trouble keeping up and it's manifesting in my sinuses. Still, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be.
I'm having to keep up with the SinuOrega and Sovereign Silver nasal sprays multiple times a day and it is helping. They seem to be a lot less irritated, especially with the SinuOrega. I guess it irritates the crap out of them all at once and there's no irritated left by the time it's done. There was some blood coming out while blowing my nose and I could feel scabby-crusty stuff forming in the sinuses, but some hepar sulphur calcareum for a few days got that under control. I read somewhere that it's supposed to be good for that, and it worked like a charm. That's definitely going to stay on my go-to sinus drama list.
Doggie Drama
My Boxer recently had to have surgery to remove a small benign tumor in one of his lower eyelids that was really irritating him. The vet had to take a V shaped section out of his eyelid to get all of it, and he did great up until a few days after surgery. Then he pawed at his stitches and scratched his lid. There was blood everywhere. The dog, the carpet, me - EVERYWHERE. Honestly I thought he had gouged his eye out. So I put his cone collar on and took him back to the vet and it was just a little scratch, and he didn't do any damage to the stitches or incision (thank goodness!).
Anyhow, his eye got super irritated after we got him cleaned up and home from the vet. There was some blood tinged pus coming out of the eye almost constantly. I got an eye dropper and started flushing his eye out with Sovereign Silver a couple of times a day. Admittedly, the boy was not thrilled with it, but he tolerated it well and his eye cleared up and healed up beautifully. His stitches came out yesterday and he's my happy, handsome Boxer boy again!
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