My pants are falling down, falling down, falling down... Yep, it's time to get some new pants or take up the ones I've got. My weight seems to have stabilized for the time being at about 197ish, which is 18 pounds down. I guess my body is going to have to take some time to adjust to the new me and continue to detoxify. For the first time I feel like there's some real hope for me on the weight front without starving myself.
I have been WELL over 200 pounds for a long, long time now, so this is epic! Since I lift weights I know my weight is going to be naturally a little higher than your average chick, but I'd like to get to 180. Then I'll re-evaluate and see if I need to lose more. I'm not a fan of being scrawny. But I think my 900 calorie days are behind me. I may try to track my calories carefully and stick to around 1500 if my weight doesn't budge any more for a few weeks, that seems like a much healthier amount. The Livestrong calorie tracker is pretty good and has gobs of foods in the database.
I've added the Rejuvenate Plus stuff from the NaturalNews store to my morning smoothies and I've started pooping green. I'm guessing that's a good thing?
I'm really amazed at my eyelids, the texture of the skin is perfect (no more sandpaper) and now I'm not having to use the silver gel any more. As long as I keep it moisturized it seems happy. I've also been off the birth control pills for several weeks and haven't had a single zit. Considering I used to get the really painful cystic kind that looked like Mount Everest decided to grow on my face, that's pretty cool! Those suckers would take weeks to go away, and usually I'd get impatient and dig them out with a sterile needle until I could squeeze out the infection. I'm really not even getting clogged pores much.
I went to my very first farmer's market today! There is one down the road a bit from my work on Tuesday and Friday afternoon, so I went on my lunch break. The veggies looked like nothing I have ever seen! So pretty and fresh, the farmers had just cut them today! I got a huge mess of kale (yes, I am rapidly becoming a kaleaholic) and a bunch of broccoli that is just ginormous! I got some yellow squash and zucchini too.
All of the farmers grow their stuff organically and it's all non-GMO. So awesome! You definitely can't find veggies like this at the produce department at Wally World. I also got some fresh yogurt cheese too, made from goat milk and cultured with friendly bacterial critters. The guy who makes it even let me try a taste before I bought it. How cool is that! The cutest thing is that they have a photo album at the table of all their goats, and they are so adorable. The best part, I got everything for 11 bucks! Talk about a crazy good deal.
Speaking of crazy good deals, I got the big Hemp Seed/Oil deal at NaturalNews too. I just started putting hemp seeds on my salads and LOVE them, but I haven't tried hemp oil yet. I will have to find some recipes to play with it.
The sinuses are still doing much better. I woke up this morning without any headache at all. Yesterday, even though I was feeling a ton better, I still had a teensy bit of a headache when I woke up that resolved shortly after I got upright. There's still tons of crap draining out of them, especially when I work the accupressure points, but I guess they will detox at their own rate.
I had another brief bout of eyelid twitchies again yesterday. Definitely another good sign!
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