On Saturday, April 16 I met someone who would help me change my life. Robert Scott Bell was speaking at the Nullify Now event in Austin, Texas. I listened to him speaking about his horrible battle with allergies, and we had been on the same drugs, had the same surgeries, the same allergy shots - pretty much everything - since childhood. The only difference, he was healthy and I was still struggling with constant sinus and allergy drama. I was on Astelin, Claritin, and Mucinex every day, but still having trouble.
Of course after he spoke I had to ask him what he had done to get well. We talked for a couple of minutes and he told me that what I needed to do was simple. I needed to use a silver/aloe protocol, which involved taking a dose of 1 oz. of organic aloe juice and 1 oz. of Sovereign Silver mixed together three times per day for two weeks. This would clean out my gut and rebuild my immune system.
This made sense to me, because I hate antibiotics, as they made me as sick or sicker than the sinus infections that I was trying to treat. I had just successfully dealt with a sinus infection using the Sovereign Silver nasal spray and oil of oregano. What the heck, it was worth a try.
Now for what I didn't tell Robert. I didn't tell him that I had been struggling with intestinal drama (and when I say drama I mean DRAMA) for years. I was weighing in at 215 pounds, having lost about 15 pounds before I met him on a 900 calorie a day diet called Medifast. But alas I had gotten stuck at that weight even staying on the 900 calories a day. I have an enlarged thyroid and take a small dose of thyroid medicine to keep it from growing further. I have also had severe depression since I was a teenager. Plus, I was just chronically exhausted all the time. I didn't tell Robert any of this, but amazingly the silver/aloe protocol has helped ALL of it - and quickly!
Keep in mind that Robert never charged me a cent for any of his advice, or all the follow up questions that I asked him (and all the questions I'm still asking him). The only thing he asked me to do is keep a journal so that he can use the information from my recovery to help other people.
I thought I should put it online so that others can see it too. So here it is. The story of the two weeks that I was on the silver/aloe protocol trying to slay the candida monster.
Wednesday, April 20
Exactly an hour after first dose intestines started making crazy noises. First one lasted for 15-20 seconds and was a gurgly, moany, screechy sound - very loud. It continued making crazy noises throughout the day. After second dose got very gassy and it was pretty foul smelling.
Thursday, April 21
Felt like boiled crap. Tired and sinuses in a complete uproar. Alternated silver nasal spray and SinuOrega to keep sinuses flushed out. Took Oreganol orally three times as it seems to really help my sinuses. Horribly gassy. Way worse than my dog who is a boxer and if you have ever smelled boxer gas that is really saying something. Smelled like something crawled up my butt and died. Continued all day with some soft stools. Bloated feeling most of day but finally cleared around 4pm as did sinus drama. Started to feel human again. Drinking tons of water seems to help. Doubled apple cider vinegar to 2 tbsp a day to support liver.
Friday, April 22
Feeling pretty good today definitely better than usual. A bit gassy still nasty but not as bad as yesterday. Changing into my PJs at night noticed horrible rash in both armpits that I had given up on treating with prescription hydrocortisone is majorly clearing up. Most of redness is gone. Sinuses and ears draining most of day but not bothersome. Peeing like crazy but also drinking lots.
Saturday, April 23
Eczema under and around my ears is gone. Sinuses and ears still draining. Most scalp eczema seems to be going just a bit at the base of my neck that I can feel. Actually wore my hair in a ponytail in public for the first time pretty much ever. Coolies! Started having solid poops. Haven't had those in forever. Usually semi solid with bouts of diarrhea. Yay!
Sunday, April 24
Sinuses a bit cranky but not bad. Ear garbage still yellowish like always but no longer yeasty smelling. Still some eczema in ear canal.
Monday, April 25
Energy good. Sinuses a little cranky. Continuing to medicate with nasal silver, SinuOrega, and Oreganol. Really seems to help. Still taking Claritin but have stopped Astelin and Mucinex. Stopped using ProTopic for eyelid eczema to see if it comes back. Noticed my mild rosacea seems to be absent and my little zitlets seem to be clearing up. I have bad cystic acne and have been on birth control pills for a while. If this clears up my skin will stop taking them. Down a total of 8 pounds without trying. Woohoo!
Tuesday, April 26
Great energy and awesome workout with trainer. A little bloated in the afternoon not sure why. Poops a little off too. Ate a seed bar with agave nectar in it yesterday and the poop had seeds in it. Maybe that is the culprit. After a little gas and poop felt much better. Gas is not too stinky today.
Wednesday, April 27
Day 8 and still feeling pretty good. A little tired today but probably because of the dreary weather. Eczema on my left eyelid is trying to flare up. That eyelid is usually the worst. Mixed a few drops of silver with a shea butter/argan oil moisturizing stick I have that is really soothing to see if that helps. The stick or petroleum jelly are the only things that stop it from hurting and I am trying to avoid the latter. It seems to feel a lot better, waiting to see if it starts peeling. Eczema is not visible yet but the usual spot is itchy and the texture of the skin has changed mildly like it usually does before it goes nuts and I start looking like a space alien. I want to see if the silver will get it without using the ProTopic. Right eyelid seems fine.
Good solid poop this am. Little bit of redness under arms but nothing like before. No itching though. May try the silver thing topically there tonight as an experiment. Bout of diarrhea in afternoon. Had lunch out at employee appreciation banquet. Was careful but may have eaten something I shouldn't have. Or could just be more die off. Pretty foul smelling with gas. Took second dose of silver and aloe just beforehand. Ear canals are itchy. Appetite seems to be down, in a good way. Just not as hungry as usual.
Thursday, April 28
Feeling pretty good. Still a little bit of soft stools and gas from yesterday but not bad. Need to get the diet thing figured out. Down 11 pounds as of this morning. Eyelid eczema still trying to act up. I see a little red on right side today. Putting silver directly on it followed by the shea/argan stick seems to keep it happy. Going to get the silver gel and try that. For a little afternoon weirdness my cheeks got all pink and really warm to the touch. I have no idea what that might have to do with anything but thought I would write it down.
Appetite down except for a couple of times I got really hungry. Had almond butter with me and a tbsp of that is a good snack. Normally I love PB but read about the mold issues with them and possible mold killing chemicals being a problem with candida. Switched from skim milk to unsweetened almond milk too a few days ago. Stuff draining from sinuses is almost all clear now and not very much draining. Sinus accupressure points are not sore when pressed which is unusual. Started silver gel on eyelids tonight and put on armpits for good measure.
Friday, April 29
Ate sushi last night and paying for it this am. Soft stools and a little weird feeling in intestines. I only had a couple of pieces but apparently even a little white rice is bad. Going to have to get the food side of this figured out. Otherwise feeling good. Noticed that the past few days when I get hungry I am not shaky anymore. Silver gel took the little bit of pink out of the eyelids. Skin texture is still a little sandpapery to the touch but not visible and no peeling or itching. Seems to have helped armpits too. Have been pooping and peeing a lot more than usual since this all started. Guess that's a good thing.
Was sitting and looked down. Noticed my stomach has really shrunk. Pants and jeans have been getting loose.
Saturday, April 30
Can see a decided difference in the size of my gut in the mirror when standing sideways. Had Remote Area Medical in our church so was crazy busy volunteering. Energy level good for as early as I got up. Diarrhea continuing today, like when I have taken antibiotics before for sinus infections. Going to double my probiotics.
More diarrhea as day progressed, not terrible but I am guessing the regimen is killing both the good and bad guys as RSB mentioned on the radio after playing my phone comments. Definitely feels like the usual intestinal upheaval I have when on antibiotics. Had some plain organic Greek yogurt and that seemed to settle it down a good bit. Never had plain yogurt before but liked it - before always had the aspartame laden crap. May doctor some with stevia and cinnamon tomorrow for variety. Added an extra New Chapters AllFlora pill tonight. Will keep doubling up to see if it helps.
Eyelids still holding their own and not getting worse. I should look like a space alien by now seriously. Maybe my body is finally trying to fight this. I have covered the symptoms with topical immunosuppressants. I don't know if it is the oral silver or silver gel, maybe just my own immune system getting feisty. I am still using a bit of the shea/argan salve for moisturizing along with the silver gel. I tried using it alone way back but it never kept the eczema from progressing to a red, swollen, peely mess. It is soothing and helps the pain, but I really am in no pain with it nor is it itching. You can barely see the texture change in the skin if you know what to look for and I can feel the roughness but that's it. Maybe my new immune system will be able to pummel it once and for all with a little support.
Monday, May 2
Didn't have time to journal yesterday, things were crazy with the last day of RAM. Was still having diarrhea but the extra probiotics and yogurt seem to be helping. Eyelids still doing ok. Not getting worse, may actually be getting a little better. Ear canals still have some eczema in them, but not as bad as before. Still a good bit of ear wax, but everyone on my dad's side makes lots of ear wax so I may just be doomed. It's not yeasty smelling any more though. I may try a couple of drops of silver in the ear canals to see if it can tame the eczema beast.
This afternoon I had a pretty solid, almost normal looking poop again. Not quite perfectly solid, but definitely a major improvement over the past couple of days. Probiotics and yogurt must be working. Now I'm getting a double dose of the probiotics in the Amazing Grass (raw cocoa version), then Chobani organic plain yogurt for lunch (tastes like eating straight sour cream but I'll live with it) and two New Chapters All Flora capsules at night.
I'll reach day 14 tomorrow, so just one more day and I have to really throw back the probiotics to get my gut recolonized. I also had some quinoa last night, which I heard is good for pushing stuff through the intestines and colon, especially for candida issues. I wonder if it contributed to the happy poop.
Tuesday, May 3
Had a great BM this morning, totally solid. Guess this is my body's way of telling me it is ready for the replenishment and repopulation phase. Today is day 14 so it is the last day on the silver. I hope my body ecology book comes in today so I can start reading. I looked at the website and saw it is big on kefir and I found a local source for it yesterday. Never had that before but if it makes my gut happy I will drink it.
Energy level is up and had a great workout with my trainer this am. I can tell my mood is up. Stopped taking birth control pills since I know they contribute to this and I only take them for acne. My skin has drastically improved so I doubt I need them anymore. Eyelid eczema vastly improved today. Right eyelid is normal again. Left eyelid, the worst of the two, is still a little sandpapery but it is shrinking. I guess my new little immune system kicked some eczema butt with the help from the silver. Still no pain or itching whatsoever.
Started putting a stevia packet in my Chobani and it made it taste SO much better, not like pungent sour cream. Need to think of more creative ways to doctor it as I try to put all the good critters back in. I was starting to have trouble choking it down. Had another pretty solid poop too, not as good as the earlier one today. After I took my second dose of silver today I got a little queasy. I think my body is definitely ready to stop tomorrow and start rebuilding.
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