Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13

The PMS Relief is continuing to do its job. Tummy is feeling much more comfortable today. No cramps and my usual gastrointestinal upheaval at the start of my cycle has been pretty limited. Poops have stayed pretty much solid, just a little softer than usual. Gurgles have stopped. A little gas but way less than normal. Day 2 is usually the worst if it is going to be problematic or annoying at all.

Taking Sinus Relief 2-3 times a day. It really seems to be keeping the sinus headaches at bay. My butt muscles are SO sore from my workout yesterday. Took some arnica pellets and it has helped some. Sore is good in this case though. We did flies and presses on a balance ball yesterday where only my back was supported by the ball, so I had to keep my lower half elevated and stable using my butt and abs, then on top of the chest work. My butt was definitely more sore than my chest, although it was a bit sore too. Definitely going to have to do that one again.

Figured out why my morning smoothies are so filling. I ran it through the calculator at and for about 250 calories I am getting 21 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber. Awesome!

This afternoon I had a bout of eyelid twitchies! It is actually a good thing, and I've been half expecting it. Let me explain. The definitive signal for me when I am overmedicated on my Prozac is muscle spasms in my eyelids. Strange but true. This has happened before usually in the transition from my winter dose to summer dose. Only due to the stress of working for crazy lawyer types and probably the candida, I haven't been off my winter dose in years. One of my eyelids went into full blown spasms today for about 60 seconds. This is a good thing as it confirms what I have been feeling. I am going to keep a close eye on it and watch for more spasms. It may well be time to see my doc and drop the dosage a bit. I'll know for sure over the next few weeks if it shows up again a few more times.

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