Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, May 4

Woohoo, off the silver and aloe! Robert Scott Bell talked about how your body would tell you when it's ready to stop and mine definitely did yesterday with the queasiness after taking the silver. It's like my body was hollering "I want my good critters back!" I actually thought I was a little constipated yesterday (which never happens) but it turned out just to be a little gas. Of course I haven't had solid poops in ages so this is a whole new world for me! Had a great solid poop this morning. Eyelid eczema still continuing to get better. Just the barest bit left on my left eyelid. Still using Sovereign Silver gel and shea butter/argan salve.

Now down 12.5 pounds without even trying. Yay me! Eating mostly meat, veggies and nuts/seeds (being careful not to get ones that are susceptible to mold) along with organic yogurt (just the cultured milk and associated critters) with some stevia. Made a smoothie today with organic kefir for the first time. I did about 3/4 cup of almond milk, 3/4 cup of kefir, 2 scoops of raw cacao infused Amazing Grass, 1 stevia packet, and 1 tbsp of raw cacao for some extra chocolate (I will eat anything with chocolate!). It was actually pretty good, with a bit of an interesting whang to it.

Both the Amazing Grass and the kefir have probiotics so it should start cramming the good critters in. I have felt strangely balanced over the past few days: mentally, emotionally, and physically (except when talking about politics - then I get totally off balance but that's another story). I can't really think of another adjective to explain it. I'm not exactly springing out of bed in the mornings, but then again I'm not a morning person. Even then, I'm not draggy in the mornings or hitting the midday slump like I used to, even on days when I get up at an ungodly early hour to go work out with my trainer (I do a lot of weight lifting, I don't know if I've mentioned that before - I may not be a skinny little supermodel but I can bench press one). My workouts have gotten a lot better over the past couple of weeks too.

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