Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20

Doing well. My sinuses are drying up pretty heavily like they were a few days after I first started the silver/aloe protocol. I think getting off the Claritin has been good for them. A friend and I went to an outdoor concert last night where a ton of people were smoking. We did pick a less heavily smoky spot to stand, but even then I was having to breathe some of it (apparently the morons think it's ok to force others to breathe their crap). Normally that would give me a lung/sinus infection that would require a month or so of antibiotics. I flushed out my sinuses with the SinuOrega immediately afterwards.

Oddly enough I'm fine today. The sinuses are still a little sore when I'm doing accupressure, but not much more than usual. Obviously there is still some inflammation there, but considering I've likely been running a sinus infection for years straight, that's not terribly surprising. The head's not hurting though. The silver, grapefruit seed extract, Oreganol, and Sinus Relief seem to be holding it. No doubt there's a lot of healing of the membranes that's got to happen too as the infection dies. Fortunately it seems to be trying to do that. Oddly it feels like there are scabs forming in my sinuses?!?!?! I can really feel it when I wiggle my nose or am doing the accupressure. It was like that when I was on the silver/aloe protocol too. I think it must be a good sign.

I'm going to keep hitting it with all this stuff as long as it takes to get the infection out. Considering I've had this for years I'm realizing it could be months before the sinuses finally get cleared out. But that's ok, it takes what it takes. My regimen now is not toxic and not causing the gut bombs that the antibiotics did.

Well, my new poopaholicism is causing problems with my toilet. Apparently it having difficulty handling my new output volume. I guess I really understand Sen. Rand Paul's statements to the enviro-police lady about his toilets not working now. Good times!

I'm not as tired as yesterday after the massage, but I'm still pretty sore. Not quite as sore, but sore. Plus I worked out with my trainer yesterday morning, so I'm sure some of it is from that.

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